Friday 11 October 2013

Face Geek: Paul Ekman- Facial Expression Expert

Human Face by Dr. Pravin Yadav
Post No: 16 

Pauk Ekman, an emeritus professor at the University of California at San Francisco. Born in 1934, relentlessly worked on emotions and Facial expressions, now considered as one of the most eminent psychologists of this era. He is master face reader with tremendous knowledge of nonverbal behavior and interpersonal deception. Paul explored that few basic facial expressions and their corresponding emotions are independent of culture and universal to all humans and preemptively biological as hypothesized by Charles Darwin.  
Paul reported facial microexpressions  that could be used to reliably detect concealed emotions. CIA and FBI is seriously implementing his ideas in lie detection while interviewing terrorists, criminals. His greatest contribution is Facial Action Coding System, is the most exhaustive analysis of all the facial expressions. According to Paul, the basic facial expressions with distinct facial signals are 
  3. ANGER
  6. FEAR
Paul Ekman authored several books on facial expressions, some of them are listed below:

In his book "Unmasking the face" Paul explains how to identify these basic emotions correctly and how to tell when people try to mask, simulate, or neutralize them. In his video "The Art of Deciphering Facial Expressions" demonstrates 'micro-expression'.

His research made a tremendous contribution to the field of clinical psychology, law enforcement, counter-terrorism and crowd management. Please follow this link to read his biography and his research.

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