Human Face

Human Face by Dr. Pravin Yadav
Post: 001

Face means identity.  Face reveals many attributes indicating our age, sex, and race, health and mood. Every human has got his identity, a unique face. 

Human face is the nature’s most magical and mysterious surface. 
Pablo Picasso says “Are we to paint what's on the face, what's inside the face, or what's behind it?” From centuries many legendary people tried to explicate various aspects of human face, but still it remains unsolved mystery.

Curious and creative mind raises several questions about Human Face like
  • How it reveals age, race, sex and health?
  • What are those landmarks where son shows some resemblance to father’s or ancestor’s facial pattern? 
  • How a layman enjoys caricature and identifies the person although it distorts all the dimensions and breaks all the rules of anatomy?
  • After changing makeup, hairstyle and apparels, how a small kid also can recognize actor? 
  • How to draw a portrait of a person whom you have never seen in life?
Can we reveal nature’s cipher associated with every Face ? 

Let's explore!


  1. good!... will follow this one.

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      I've added follower button for ease of use.

  2. Nice one...interesting .keep it up.

  3. Hi pravin....i like the Blog...and i must admit that your contribution to such complicated yet mystic subject adding great value.

    will be in touch, and following your blog.

    thanks already.

  4. Thx foe feedback.
    Added followers and subscribe feed widget for all of u.

  5. Really interesting article. I would really like to read more about this. Very well articulated.
