Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Quote by Oscar Wilde

Post No: 17

Quote by Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900)
simply Oscar Wilde.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Face Geek: Paul Ekman- Facial Expression Expert

Human Face by Dr. Pravin Yadav
Post No: 16 

Pauk Ekman, an emeritus professor at the University of California at San Francisco. Born in 1934, relentlessly worked on emotions and Facial expressions, now considered as one of the most eminent psychologists of this era. He is master face reader with tremendous knowledge of nonverbal behavior and interpersonal deception. Paul explored that few basic facial expressions and their corresponding emotions are independent of culture and universal to all humans and preemptively biological as hypothesized by Charles Darwin.  
Paul reported facial microexpressions  that could be used to reliably detect concealed emotions. CIA and FBI is seriously implementing his ideas in lie detection while interviewing terrorists, criminals. His greatest contribution is Facial Action Coding System, is the most exhaustive analysis of all the facial expressions. According to Paul, the basic facial expressions with distinct facial signals are 
  3. ANGER
  6. FEAR
Paul Ekman authored several books on facial expressions, some of them are listed below:

In his book "Unmasking the face" Paul explains how to identify these basic emotions correctly and how to tell when people try to mask, simulate, or neutralize them. In his video "The Art of Deciphering Facial Expressions" demonstrates 'micro-expression'.

His research made a tremendous contribution to the field of clinical psychology, law enforcement, counter-terrorism and crowd management. Please follow this link to read his biography and his research.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Human Face: Robots with ultra real human face

Human Face by Dr. Pravin Yadav
Post No: 15 

Can you checkmate a creative scientist?...
One fine day a scientist told his wife I saw a lady, looked exactly like "YOU" and 
wife asked, "Was she hot ..??"
That moment scientist was checkmated, couldn't reply "Yes" or "No".
But probably that triggered a great idea..and he bounced back.

Can Robot become potential life partner if that has ultra real human face?
Let's check that.
Japanese roboticist Hiroshi Ishiguro 
Humanoid robots called 'Nao' from the French robotics venture Aldebaran demonstrate their skills during a display at the French Embassy in Tokyo. Aldebaran is providing 30 Naos to Tokyo University for use in an educational program.

David Hanson identifies himself as sculptor-roboticist
David Hanson has turned it into his mission to bring robots to life, attempting to enable them to think and feel. 

The lady in picture in the center is wearing The REALFACE, not a computer graphic image.
The "three-dimension Photo Form (3DPF)" technique from Real-f makes it possible to duplicate pores, eye's blood vessels and iris exactly the same as the originals.
Check few more "THE REALFACE" high resolution samples.
A model (R) pokes the face of a humanoid robot called 'Geminoid-F' (L) shaped to resemble the model. Geminoid-F, designed and built by Osaka University professor Hiroshi Ishiguro and Japan's robot maker Kokoro, is equipped with 12 actuators, powered by air pressure, and her motion can be synched to imitate that of a real human being.

Check this report on Robot Faces Trigger An Emotional Choice. 
This is just a beginning, we have just triggered the creative mind ...there is lot more to come

Monday, 30 September 2013

Identical Twins and Recognition.

Human Face by Dr. Pravin Yadav
Post No 14:
Human Face >> Science >> Biology >> Genetics

Identical Twins are not clones but result of single fertilized egg splitting into two separate embryos. In scientific terms it is referred as monozygomatic. 

It becomes very difficult to identify subtle differences that differentiates mirror like individual. If you really want to stress your identification skills then you must visit Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio. 
Facial variation in genetically identical twins can be exaggerated by engaging them in separate environmental conditions.

A famous book Identical: Portraits of Twins By Martin Schoeller (Author) 

Curious mind raises many questions such as, Can Biometrcs ID an Identical Twin?
But it is found that sometimes many twin faces confound various Facial Recognition software. The best performing algorithm has 17-18 percent equal error rate which should be  under 5 percent. Still, Scientists are studying relentlessly to solve this riddle. One of the paper is "Analysis of Facial Features in Identical Twins" by Brendan Klare, Alessandra A. Paulino, and Anil K. Jain. 
Although, Close friends and even Mom and Dad can be duped by their identical twins, But interesting fact is they can't dupe dogs? and they also have different fingerprints. Also, as identical twins get older, generally more differences in physical characteristics develop. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Quote by Pablo Picasso - Part 2

Human Face by Dr. Pravin Yadav
Post No: 13

Continuing from the Blog-Post : Quote by Pablo Picasso - Part 1
Picasso was an artist that groomed in the classical tradition then influenced contemporary art his svelte manner using wide range of styles. Emphatic strokes, harsh vivid colors in his artworks exhibits his insatiable desires, volcanic energy and revolting attitude. As Picasso said, "I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them."

Picasso asks, "Who sees the human face correctly: the Photographer, the mirror or the painter?"
I see deep meaning in this quote but before that we must construe his thoughts hidden in his self-portraits.
Self-portrait with Uncombed Hair (1896)

Self Portrait: "Yo Picasso" (spring 1901)

Self-portrait "Yo" (summer 1901)

Self-portrait with Cloak (late 1901)

Self-portrait with a Palette (1906)

Self-portrait (1907)

Self Portrait Facing Death” (1972) 

The series of self-portraits and other creative works of Picasso reflects revolt in his mind in various guises, disguises and eventually emerging his grand persona.  

What my mind could see by observing these autobiographical portraits and understand by his colloquial writing is something like this.
Mirror reflects all the details and triggers our self-awareness. For the same reason invention of mirror triggered our attention towards face and makeup. In spite of that we perceive very few facts of our face. Our Mind observes only what interests us. We can neither associated memory nor emotions with reflection as it is a momentary glimpse. 
Cameras can imprint snapshot of the moment, thus a photograph may establish eternal connection with intense emotions, drama involved in that particular situation. It all depends on cameraman to delineate subject with dramatic lighting. Although Camera cannot peep into the emotional conflicts in the mind of subject. 
A painter has freedom of thought which can be expressed using media. He can depict his views, feelings about subject in his own manner. Obviously, Painter illustrates whole drama where canvas becomes his stage, eloquent strokes becomes expressions and colors reveals emotions.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Spotlight: Attractive faces are average faces

Human Face by Dr. Pravin Yadav
Post No: 12 

Average Women faces in different countries by
Image credit:
FaceResearch lab run by Ben Jones and Lisa DeBruine is based in the Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of Glasgow, has published results of experiments on Facial Attractiveness. 
The concept of average faces was initially tossed in the 1800s by Sir Francis Galton who created composite images of faces by projecting face photographs of many different individuals onto a single piece of photographic film. Now with the advent of technology scientists are experimenting with digital composites, photographs aligned by pupils position followed by standardizing face position.
In "Facial Shape and judgments of female attractiveness" paper submitted by D. I. Perrett, K.A. May and S. Yoshikawa, found out that highly attractive faces are systematically different in shape from average. the similarity of attractive facial characteristics across two cultures is consistent with the claim that such characteristics are functionally significant. 

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Quote by Pablo Picasso - Part 1

Human Face by Dr. Pravin Yadav
Post No: 11

Pablo Picasso was one of the most influential artists that started from Classicism and later turned to Surrealism. Picasso's style passed through many phases, from blue period to rose period to cubism

Pls. check his quote written on brainboard.

what do you elicit from that?